Child labour a pathetic reality

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Child labour a pathetic reality

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         Dear Followers! Today the topic on which I have chosen as an opportunity to share my ideas with you is really a pathetic and heart rending fact that is child labour a pathetic reality.

Short Film "Life Without Father" a reality on child labour.

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         No doubt that the children are the asset of any nation. They play a vital role in the progress and development of the nations. More ever the future of any nation depends upon its progeny but unfortunately children in third world countries are either forced or compelled to work to their livelihood at the cost of their child hood. Result fully child labour is common in the third world countries like Pakistan, India and Bangladesh.

"Kailash Satyarthi claims girls comprise a large share of domestic child labourers, many of whom are trafficked and employed in households"

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       I strictly condemn child labour for the following reasons children even below the age of 10 to 8 are being forced to work these children are hired for different types of work in factories in homes, in hotels to serves.

       As these innocent children do not have any ideas about the practical life and they have to struggle for their livelihood. In this cruel society they have to sacrifice their child hood. Although these children have an equal claim like other children on life and its pleasure on the other hand life becomes really grotesque when they are forced to earn bread and butter for themselves.

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       It is fact that child labor is increasing day by day as the employed tend to exploit the children they are actually getting undue advantage from these children as these children are unaware of their rights so they hire them on low wages and are compelled to be harnessed for cheep labour. These children cannot protest against such cruel and inhuman treatment.

       Further child labour become horrible when children have to work for long in almost unbearable conditions. This is also a hindrance in their physical and mental growth.



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       Children are also deprived of their education which is their basic right. This is also noticeable that when children in small age begun to work it may lead them towards many psychological and mental crises. They may become the victims of many complexes specially children who are forced to work in tender age usually become life time psychological victims. They are subjected to all kinds of specially physical, sexual and psychological violence.

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       Now I would highlight the other grooming fact that is really terrific. The dire aspects of child labour.

       As I have already mentioned that it is a total deprivation of children from their child hood and child labourers are denied of basic schooling and health facilities some time this deprivation may lead them towards moral deterioration. They display aggressive attitude towards society. Finally they become socially unacceptable or unfit for their fellow beings.

        To conclude my blog I have the topic with a thought provoking question that who is responsible for deprivation of this precious child hood of these child labourers.

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        Parents who send them to work society that has no legislation to support and take effective steps towards its elimination or both one possible answer can be that we individual and society both are responsible for child labour. Therefore it is moral duty to resist all forms of child labour other wise this phenomenon will erode the society.

"What Can You Do To Stop Child Labour? Must watch Video"

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       Here I would like to quote one verse of Mr. Yousaf Misali related to this pathetic reality. He says,

This verse viably tells the grotesque life of those innocent children who have to spoil their childhood for their survival. Dirt-caked disheveled hairs, greasy hands sooty faces bagged eyes are the most disturbing image of child labour in the urban locales.




About the author


I am a Teacher in a School, My Subject is Science that's why I know much about the science subject, recently I have completed Masters Degree in Science Subjects (MSC), Now I am planning to make an admission in MPhill.

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