The reason why I decided to write this post is that many new members quit Bitlanders without understanding its basics.
NEVER GIVE UP - Advice From The Most Successful People On The Planet
Video Credit: Words Of Wisdom via
My first blog was about my first week at Bitlanders, and I thought it will be the last one this category and I won't write about Bitlanders anymore. I do not like blogs about strategies created how-to-succeed or success stories describing step by step what to do. Why? Because people are different, and I believe that what can make one person successful, may not make another one. We really are different: we have different followers, we devote the different amount of time to the site, we have different skills and tools for creating blogs, and so on and so on. I always believed that the best way is to create your own strategy.
The reason for this blog is very simple. Daily, I see people, new members who join the site and struggle. Almost everyone writes with questions how to start and asking for help. They come to site with big dreams to earn extra money, they may read success stories and think - it's easy. Yes, it's easy, but if only you put efforts. I also came here with the intention to earn extra money.
Earn Extra money Photo credit:
I was very suspicious, started slowly, asked for help and when did not get it, I went to chat box, but again no one reacted. I understand, after such first impressions, you can lose your motivation. You post one another microblog and may get one like if you succeed. If not succeed - nobody will notice your post. You come another day - write again one or two microblogs and again - silence, no one rush to subscribe to you and you then simply leave. Or you start storming: post after post, overload your wall with all kind of messages, you like a lot of posts, subscribe to a lot of members, but after some time you start complaining about Buzz Score decrease day after day... What is bad?, What you do wrong? - you are complaining in your microblog (I have seen a lot of such complains). But again, how anyone can help you if you do not help yourself?
Help Yourself - Understand the Basics of Bitlanders
Starting in any site, the first step is to read the FAQ. Bitlanders has a very clear explanation about all issues you can meet along the way. It will help you to save time and nerves on asking for help. If you still need help, simply choose any active member and send a private message. I think, no one will refuse to help you. Do not ask in microblogs as people rarely read them. Or ask in chat, again and again, sometimes I see how members explain even the simplest things. But not always.
Read the FAQ Photo credit:
Another thing you can do is to visit profiles of top members. They are the most successful here and really know what to do for to gain a lot of Buzz Scores. Monitor them, look what they do, check their way of working. I can say for sure you will be surprised that top members do not overdo their walls with microblogs, photos or videos. Sometimes it looks they are not active at all. Ask yourself why? Maybe microblogging is not worth anything? Is it not worth your efforts? Ask yourself why they write so many blogs? Remember what you read in the FAQ - only rated content is adding Buzz Score for you.
Creating high-quality content and submitting it for review is the best way to achieve a significant boost to your Buzz Score. One well written post is worth more than ten thousand spammy comments.
So why instead of complaining so many new members simply do not help themselves to succeed? Focus on blogging and you will not have to complain about decreasing Buzz Score. Of course, it can decrease. It is normal, but if you have a schedule of constant blogging, Buzz Score will not decrease dramatically.
My own example after just one month
As I mentioned, my start was as slow as anyone other has in Bitlanders. But when I joined Bitlanders, I have read a lot of blogs about it so I already knew that there will not be big earnings over the night. I knew that I have to determine myself to work hard in order to ear.
When I wrote my first blog, my earnings were very low, I have earned only about 10 cents, and I had very low Buzz Score.
Wow, yesterday I had 8 Buzz Score, today 42. And I only added one blog still. Write blogs, it worth writing.
Credit: Amber255 via Bitlanders Microblogs
After my first blog was rated with three stars, the next day Buzz Score increased to 42. Good enough. I rushed to write another two free blogs and again was rated with three stars. My Buzz Score increased to 95 just in one month after joining.
Just three free blogs submissions and I have 95 Buzz Score. Don't waste your time on microblogging or photos, but write BLOGS.
Credit: Amber255 via Bitlanders Microblogs
Now, I write my fifth blog. I am not a perfect writer and I never wrote long blogs before. I just do my best I can. I hope to learn more at a time, and may my blogging will become better. But still my example, of course, not the most successful one, proved that with three free blog submissions you earn enough gems to write again. When I reach $10, I will not rush to withdraw. I will buy more gems for future blogging. It is worth, it really worth. Believe me.
What Did I Learn in One Month Being in Bitlanders?
I learned to be generous
Be generous. If someone takes a time to comment your blog - answer. Say thanks to all who read your blogs and comment. If someone visited your profile, liked some your content, be generous and visit his profile. If you nothing like there, at least comment and say thanks. If someone subscribed to you - do the same. I unfollowed a lot of people who never visit my profile and anything read or like, even if you visit their content day after day. You cannot only receive all the time - give also to others. Take time to read and comment.
Learn Basics of Bitlanders Photo credit:
I learned to be helpful
If anyone asks for help - do not post sticker but write couple words, showing a way to the right direction. They will remember you and always visit your content. People very good remember those who help them. So, never underestimate a power of help.
I learned to appreciate the virtual friendship
Some people believe that true friends can be met only offline. It may be true, but when you work online trying to make extra money, friendship can help significantly. First of all, some good friends can help you to understand and create better strategies. If you miss something, they will remind. If they are more skilled - can become your mentors. So, even virtual friendship is essential as teamwork always succeeded much quicker.
I learned how precious are gems in Bitlanders
Yes, gems are very important here, DO NOT SPEND THEM to dress up yourself or buy any items after joining. You can do it later when will earn more money. Gems are worth a gold here. Without gems, you can't submit your content for review, and without rated content, your Buzz Score will go down very soon. Always, the first invest in gems, do not rush to withdraw.
What Are Your Excuses For Not Using Three Free Blog Submissions?
Think about why you came to Bitlanders? What the expectations you had? Of course, there was a reason why you joined. So, why now you give up so easy? I could understand if you use given all three free blog submissions and you failed to get at least two starts. But many of you even do not try blogging and after some days simply give up.
Do not search excuses Photo credit:
We all have equal conditions to start - we get three free blog submissions. Use them all. And use them wisely. Go and check successful blogs on Bitlanders, look at what the formations members use, what the length is best off all for a blog, where and what the pictures find and how to credit them. And write your own blogs.
You have not ideas what to write about? We all have some experience of life already, so everyone has accumulated some knowledge. Be helpful to other people, write something useful, something that you know best of all. If you still have no ideas, then write about your country, your traditions, culture, we are international community and many are eager to get knowing other cultures. Write about your hobby, your studies, places you have been in and your impressions. Of course, if you are young enough, better do not try to teach how to cope with some hard diseases if you are not a doctor.
Increase Buzz Score Photo credit:
Are you afraid that will make many mistakes? Is English not your mother language? Mine is also not. And I know that I make mistakes, maybe many mistakes. I always check my texts with Grammarly tool, it helps me to correct some of them. And we all know that practice is the best teacher, right? So, writing we learn and improve our skills.
So what are your excuses for giving up so quickly even without trying to use given three free blogs submissions? You came here having your "why", you had some expectations and now you are giving up so easy? There are no excuses. Only if you do not like Bitlanders concept itself. Then better search for something else. But if you like it, and you wanted to succeed here as many others, what is your excuse for giving up? I could understand, you wrote and submitted all three fee blogs and got only one star for all of them. OK, maybe you are not a writer, it is not for you. But if you did not test, you will never know what the result could be. I saw many blogs with one star only, but Hilary is giving advice what to improve and if you listen to her, you can get more starts for next blogs. No one is perfect, and we all learn little by little.
Don't Give Up Photo credit:
On the Final Note
I know that those who leave so quickly will hardly read my blog. But maybe will read those who have some doubts, who do not know how to start and what works best here. Maybe will read those who need motivation and inspiration to stay.
I always say, if someone succeeded in any field, it means there always is a possibility for me to succeed also. I just have to work my but off. Bitlanders is a perfect site for those who want to earn extra money without investment. Many sites online in order to earn ask for investments. And here, you do not need to invest anything as using free submissions you can earn enough to buy gems for next blogs.
Never Give Up Photo credit:
I tested it, and I know – it works. There will be days when my Buzz Score will go down and again up – I do not worry. I don’t mind to leave. And I encourage every new member do not fear writing. It’s a core of Bitlanders – blogging.
Ending, I want to wish success to all new and old members. I am here only one month and others could tell more great success stories, I do not want to teach anyone what is right or bad to do here, I just want to motivate those who are quickly giving up. Never give up so easily.

Success on Bitlanders Photo Credit:
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You can check my other blogs:
1. Bitlanders Review - My First Week at Bitlanders
2. The story how I won the battle with depression
3. Movie GRINGO Review - Crime Comedy Full of Sarcasm
4. Fireworks safety tips: protect yourself and others
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