Quit these Habits for Successful Life

Whether its meaning may vary from one to another individual, but all of us desire to live a successful life. However, not everyone…
Whether its meaning may vary from one to another individual, but all of us desire to live a successful life. However, not everyone…
Although every one of us keeps some goals, dreams or makes commitments to ourselves only a few succeed in achieving them. Not bein…
World population has significantly increased in the past years and is still doing the same. It is currently more than 7 billion an…
Since, I am busy dealing with studies, it is really good to see some additional rewards news while having busy days. As you know, …
It is almost the time when double rewards topics become an old story for bloggers here. After this long time, the bit-team has com…
With Querlo, the bitlanders' team looked assuredly passionate about expanding the platform and its users' accessibility towards be…
There are more than 8000 games considered as sports, played around the globe. However, most of them are played natively and not re…
What if we can alter our fate and get a second chance to correct mistakes made in past? Or see how the world would look like after…
Hello Bitsers! Since I dedicated my time to studies, it has been long after I posted the last blog here. However, exams are finish…
Wrist jewelry, mostly known as bracelet, has been one of the classical and traditional jewelries since the BCE period. Wearing the…