Sheryl Sandberg has taken the nations readers by storm with her most recent book Lean In: Women, Work and the Will to Lead that in…
Sheryl Sandberg has taken the nations readers by storm with her most recent book Lean In: Women, Work and the Will to Lead that in…
Filmmaker, Alfonso Cuarons new sci-fi movie, Gravity, crushed Justin Timberlake and Ben Affleck at the Box Office over the weekend…
At some point during the week, many of us usually wonder, hmm, I what movie do I want to watch this week? Well, for those of you w…
The greatest book available for any pick-up artist or beginner, has to be The Game: Penetrating the Secret Society of Pick-up Arti…
If any of you have been following the wonderful world of books in recent months I'm sure you have heard of the greatest hit these …
Is it a hoax or is it true? There have been plenty of rumors circulating across multiple media platforms and social media websites…
We have to discuss the recent casting for the greatest trilogy ever made in the world of romance and fantasy, Fifty Shades of Grey…
Have you ever wondered what it takes to write a best-selling trilogy? I know whom we can ask; that is the epic American writer of …
I was at a bookstore the other day thinking of buying a childrens book for my little goddaughter and looking through all of these …
If youre ever in the mood to read a very emotional book that will keep you alert and attentive, then you must have read The Kite R…