NEW PROSECUTOR for ICC (International Criminal Court), by Ambassador mo

A “consensus” candidate and for election to be completed by mid-December Assembly of State Parties at United Nations HQ in NYC…
A “consensus” candidate and for election to be completed by mid-December Assembly of State Parties at United Nations HQ in NYC…
17 from Europe, 8 from the US and 4 from Asia are included on list that will require that the designated banks carry surcharges of…
Bill Gates supports the idea to raise funding to combat poverty, but it could also counter financial/commodity market abuses/exces…
The Assad regime has embarrassed the Arab League as well as not honoring its commitments made less than a week earlier. The Syrian…
Somalia faces the combined impact of heavy rains, widespread famine and continuing insecurity in the streets. Refugees, ironically…
This next week could tell the future of the Palestinian application for full UN membership – by next weekend it will be 50 days …
It is the interaction with other people and spiritualism that links us to the Greater rather than ritual that many perceive as the…
New UN expert body to promote respect for human rights among businesses has been established. It is inviting governments, companie…
UNSC deplored the failure by the governments of Sudan and South Sudan to redeploy their troops from the disputed Abyei area and ur…
The Committee said it was disturbed by the continuing discrimination and arrest of religious and ethnic minorities and homosexuals…