Limiting degradation of oceans by abuses as overfishing, pollution and declining biodiversity is part of new plan to be present by…
Limiting degradation of oceans by abuses as overfishing, pollution and declining biodiversity is part of new plan to be present by…
UN taking aim at health care and employment/income insecurity might "piss-off" US conservative base and make it even less popular …
Preserving our audiovisual heritage, stressing the vulnerability of sound and film or video recordings to destruction and the need…
Israel and Palestine to each to develop peace proposal within three months after meeting UN and its diplomatic partners separately…
Billion of the world’s poorest citizens could benefit from a partnership between the UN and top pharmaceutical companies to spee…
It is more a positive rather than negative event, although it is by no means comprehensive or complete. It does provide a sense of…
Should we celebrate or lament more people on earth - a mixed blessing? The alternative though is not necessarily much better, and …
Criminals had proceeds of $2.1 trillion (excluding tax evasion) in 2009 of which around $1.6 trillion may have been laundered - ar…
Council has started debate: Russia, China and most BRICS want NATO mandate terminated ASAP. US and allies pursue opposite view. It…
“…Berlusconi has though just raided the hen house, and most of the rest of Europe has not yet recognized that a few eggs have …