Angelina Jolie & UNHCR: Syria Refugees Under Attack

As she has done in so many other situations, from Bosnians ethnically cleansed, to displaced in Ecuador to African migrants in Ita…
As she has done in so many other situations, from Bosnians ethnically cleansed, to displaced in Ecuador to African migrants in Ita…
Somalias 7.2 million people have struggled and survived two decades of civil conflict, drought, and famine. This Horn of Africa co…
Addressing child victims of prostitution, pornography and abuse: Weaknesses in the education system, poverty, socioeconomic dispar…
The terror attacks of September 11, 2001 were only 3 miles from the United Nations HQ in NY City. Although some thought the UN was…
More about the human spirit, the vision and the courage to overcome rather than the highly unique and finely tuned training intend…
Perception: Marriage or Divorce, but Sharing a Bed is No Longer Working for Eurozone? George Soros in effect projects German polic…
Why perhaps US and global citizens feel need for Wikileaks. Further Confirmation Bin-Laden Killing is Kill Mission? 60 Minutes int…
"Suicide causes more deaths every year compared to wars, conflicts and homicides put together," according to Shekhar Saxena, Direc…
Police Taking Action to Combat Violence Against Women and Girls in Afghanistan is a new initiative launched this week by the UN Of…
Myanmar is now the new "gold-rush," and human rights and political freedom both appear to be the collateral damage. While London a…