“Are You Better off Today than 4 Years Earlier?”

"Monkey-Business with Statistics?-The stock-market has just recorded best 4 year rise even if it is more difficult for average cit…
"Monkey-Business with Statistics?-The stock-market has just recorded best 4 year rise even if it is more difficult for average cit…
The gains that chemicals can provide must not come at the expense of human health and the environment. Pollution and disease relat…
Austerity as Morality Lesson? Problem is not that there are now too few Eurozone programs in support of credit stressed member sta…
As Summer wanes in the month of September, so too does New York City heat up. The red carpet runway rolls out September 6, for Fal…
Six weeks ago, in visiting the memorial at Srebrenica, I said I did not want my successors to apologize years from now for what we…
Will Michelle be the new political star beyond the shadow of Barack and to exceed Hillary ultimately? This one goes beyond the ste…
To prevent a crisis that could equal or even exceed the 2007-2008 world food crisis, both immediate and longer-term concerns must …
Jobless rates among young people will get even worse globally as the spill-over of the euro crisis spreads from advanced to emergi…
Justice is only a theory unless all persons can access it through rule of law. The rule of law is meaningless for people living in…
Many want to present themselves as defenders of God, but again it appears that God is most abused by some of such would be enforce…