Food Prices Spike to Record-Will Get Worse?

After a year of relative stability, global food prices soared by 10% in July from a month ago, with maize and soybean reaching all…
After a year of relative stability, global food prices soared by 10% in July from a month ago, with maize and soybean reaching all…
UNESCO Prepares Conference to Preserve Digital Age: The "Digital Age" according to below UN Photo arrived at the United Nations on…
Contrary to response to UN questions and public image of Osama Bin-Ladens killing, new book provides substantively different accou…
UNSG Ban Ki-moon should refuse to meet Gambias strongman Yahya Jammeh unless/until such heeds the plea of UN officials to halt the…
Fahim Rahimi is the only Afghanistan representative to the Paralympics 2012 that kicked-off today in London. He represents more th…
Judgment, critical assessment, and courage to face the truth are necessary to make constructive societal changes to further human …
Today is International Day Against Nuclear Tests, ironically same day UNSG Ban Ki-moon is in Tehran to attend the Non-Aligned nati…
After each hurricane, someone comes up with the idea of why not just abandon New Orleans, or perhaps move it to another location, …
Broad challenges to global economic health are rising gradually perhaps not yet fully recognized as they seem to be still far out …
It is believed that all those sentenced to multi-year terms are UN and international NGO aid workers, and apparently are Muslims. …