The power of TRUE LOVE

Human being differs from the other specious or animals in various aspects.One of these attributes is 'Love'.Even though other anim…
Human being differs from the other specious or animals in various aspects.One of these attributes is 'Love'.Even though other anim…
In life Plagiarism is one of the most killing pretext for ones own cultural and social well being.It pollutes the environment by b…
IF you are not familiar with the Aksum obelisk found in Tigray region,Ethiopia,I will tell you the most amazing past human civiliz…
We all need money for most of our activities that we apply daily.We need at working places,market areas blahblah..... However,I w…
Afghanistan is struggling to get out of the inculcating loss of peace and development throughout the new elected government era.Th…
After 1948,London is not lucky to prepare the international olympic for a long period of time.Thianks to the Olympics comitte that…
Gelada Baboon is a specious of apes family which is found only in Ethiopian highest mountanious landscape.This wild animal is usua…
Self esteem is the value you give for yourself in every actions that you pass in day to day activities.It is the power and the lev…
Most of the time,It is very difficult to know that a person is lying or telling a truth.However,you can make a scientific guess ju…
There are real and effective sites which helps you to earn more money and change your life better than any times.However,you have …