What Does First Day in College Feel Like?
College is one of the most important parts of a students life since this phase is one step away from getting your dream job. In my…
College is one of the most important parts of a students life since this phase is one step away from getting your dream job. In my…
You have been living months away from home now. Eventually, you feel the urge of going home. Youve booked your ticket and bought a…
Sleep is very essential to all of us. It gives us the time to relax our bodies after vigorous activities like work and school. We …
Smartphones have become a necessity in this century. We use this mobile device for communication, entertainment, and work and keep…
Yesterday, I have tried downloading a social media app for Android known as LINE PLAY as per the request of my friend. I was quite…
Hackers is currently one of the most popular cyberwarfare strategy online games on Android. 'Hackers'was developed by Trickster Ar…
Wordmasters.io, formerly known as Taskmaster, is a company website that pays its writers after completing writing tasks. These tas…
Fake news has truly been rampant nowadays especially on popular social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter. In my last post,…
Who among you in here has heard the latest news of President Dutertes nationwide construction of Material Recovery Facility (MRF) …
Natural farming has expanded globally in its use. In the Philippines, around 53 000 hectares of land has been used for natural far…