Basic logical concept

In a republic nation, whose citizen are to be led by persuasion and not by force, the art of reasoning becomes of the first import…
In a republic nation, whose citizen are to be led by persuasion and not by force, the art of reasoning becomes of the first import…
Bill Gates Bill Gates!! His full name is William Henry Bill Gates, he is the owner of Microsoft Business, it is a blue chip comp…
Siriya! Where the blood of Muslim is free, yeah you can say that a murder of Siriyan Muslim is nothing , just because of its relig…
The premises are too weak or ineffective or not relevant to the conclusion drawn. Or relevant to the conclusion, but are so weak a…
R-2 Appeal to emotion/pity vThe appeal to pity takes place when an arguer tries to get people to accept a conclusion by making the…
The law is not applicable in case of knowledge. Reading of books provides more satisfaction and knowledge to the scholar. Differen…
The law of equilibrium marginal utility was presented in 19th century by an Australian economists H. H. Gossen. It is also known a…
Short-Period: Short period is one in which full adjustment is not possible, if one factor is fixed then we can say that it is shor…
Monopoly : Opposite of perfect competition Single seller. No close substitute of his product (i.e. PTV, PIA, PTCL etc). �…
Monopolistic Competition: Idea between perfect and monopoly competition Enough number of sellers. Product differentiation …