"Humanoide no Robot", before and after, comparison between drawing and short film

As I told you in another post, I really enjoy drawing as a first step in the creation of a movie. Here I want to share with you th…
As I told you in another post, I really enjoy drawing as a first step in the creation of a movie. Here I want to share with you th…
There's a lot of ways to work in cinema and make movies. There are people that just record, others that plan every single detail, …
A few years ago, we made this film, and now, I would like to share with you the drawings and previous art of the short film. There…
Kaduamtun, a Chilean music group ofexperimental psychedelic rock, born about 6 years ago and ready to record their first EP. For y…
I used to try to make films and work on my on audiovisual projects, but theres another thing that i love to do, "Animation worksho…
Well, this post is just to tell you how happy we are here, because we got the money to make the pre-production of our firs feature…
La actividad es desarrollada a través del Consejo Nacional de la Cultura y las Artes, a través del Programa Cultura Local (PCL) …
(soon in english) Da a da, incluso antes de ducharnos, acostumbramos encender nuestros computadores y casi por defecto abrir nues…
Antes de que comience su lectura tengo que advertir que quizs pierda la objetividad dentro de esta entrada puesto que el film del …
Mucho se ha hablado de esta película, sobre la puesta en escena, los personajes, marketing y un sin fin de temas derivados. Pero …