PSY New Song Coming Fall

PSYs Gangnam Style has conquered the world in 2012 and has proven to everybody that music knows no boundaries, at least linguistic…
PSYs Gangnam Style has conquered the world in 2012 and has proven to everybody that music knows no boundaries, at least linguistic…
Some say that it will take at least 50 years for society in countries like India to achieve gender equality, especially in politic…
The evolution of music is what makes the world go around. If music ceased to exist, the overall happiness of people would most def…
Physical work has never made people smarter. What differs us from animals is our brain, the instrument of all creation. That is th…
Hello, everyone. Yesterday I visited my brother, and so far we were talking on philosophical topics regarding business and everyth…
Hello, guys. Sorry for not being able to write anything for a while. Today I found myself sitting in one of the local cafes close …
I keep noticing a vast number of people around me experiencing financial difficulties. Some of them are able to deal with a tempor…
Good morning, my dear friends. It is getting a little bit colder these days, and that's unfortunate. Summer is passing by... I ke…
Hey, guys. I usually like to write blog posts early in the morning. But today I sort of veered off the regular track of my daily r…
Hello, guys! Good morning! I expect this following week to be ber busy. But it doesn't intimidate me as I love to busy myself wit…