Education and Technology: The digital destruction of the young brains and intelligence

My buddy Jikz has written a blog about Correlation between Social Media, Technology and Education. In his blog, he has explained t…
My buddy Jikz has written a blog about Correlation between Social Media, Technology and Education. In his blog, he has explained t…
For those of you who have their minds still focussed on Bitcoin ;-) I did find a link on my computer it is a very useful site if y…
Yesterday I was watching Humberto Tan. He is like our David Letterman only better, sweeter, darker and baller. But anyway, they ta…
I had a very busy week. And every I did schedule didn't go as I planned it. But today I have been through something that it just s…
A mindset to succeed the journey to a successful life A few years ago I followed a very interesting curriculum about: The Seven Ha…
In the Netherlands, we have a certain kind of food habits you don't find in other countries. And one of this typical food is the O…
It is really not my intention to hurt anyone feelings but I am busy with unfollow some Bitlanders I have been subbed to. Let me te…
During the end of the year it's time for consciousness. People count their blessings and want to help the needy ones. There a many…
It's the 5th of December: Today on the 5th off December, the Dutch people will celebrate Sinterklaas. In my previous blog about Du…
crew 2015 One of the most popular TV shows in the Netherlands is the soap opera: Goede tijden slechte tijden. In English it means…