Camera updates
Here is part to of my work in progress. Still need to start on the SLR lens, and add the flash box here's some images to show you …
Here is part to of my work in progress. Still need to start on the SLR lens, and add the flash box here's some images to show you …
So I decided to model my Samsung NX1000 from my list of 'everyday items' list of models to do over the summer. Here's how it's loo…
So toby I've been modelling one of the final assets for the lamborghini - The alloys. These classic alloys are iconic to an alrea…
So on monday at E3 this week, Sony released anew trailer forDestiny, the new first- person shooter from Bungie Studios, who are re…
So here's my last blog regarding E3 games expo week, and what better way to end by talking about my most anticipated game for next…
Call of Duty, another game probably known to all gamers, has also made it's mark at E3 with the announcement of it's latest title:…
Halo, one of the biggest-selling franchise ever, has now debuted it's latest game in the installment - Halo 5. But what's even bet…
This week at E3 we saw some great announcements. And here's another one! LittleBigPlanet, one of the flagship games for Sony, is…
E3 - Day 2! So last night we got to see some gameplay of the upcoming and much anticipated game: Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor, a…
So today ive been carrying on with me moodboard research on tools. this time, I've been researching Dewalt tools for features, att…