Tracking Objects In NUKE! - ExpoTees update #20
(This post was saved as a draft but wasn't uploaded) Now I have my footage, I'm going to import it into Nuke, so that I can track …
(This post was saved as a draft but wasn't uploaded) Now I have my footage, I'm going to import it into Nuke, so that I can track …
Here's a test of tracking sequence 3 after I've comp'd it all onto the footage. I've noticed the tracking is a bit buggy, so I may…
I've just added another effect to my logo in the last sequence, where the logo renders. I've added a 'Blur' node so that the logo …
I've now begun experimenting with the 'De-noise Simple' node, which involves removing noise from the footage plate so that I can a…
As the logo shadow has just finished rendering, I have composited it in with the logo and footage in Nuke. I'm really happy with t…
The past few days I've also been having problems with the shadow pass in Maya to composite in Nuke with my logo. I've now sorted t…
Today I've been doing a bit more experimenting with colour correction and various other composition affects to increase the look o…
This week Ive mainly been preparing my logo to be able to render out for compositing. However, I realised that I need to actually …
This week I've been configuring my HDR to light my logo with. The problem was that I had actually stitched the photos together bef…
Now that I have completely tracked my footage, I have began colour-correcting it. The corrections and gradings look great so far, …