My New Year's Resolution

Just kidding. New Year's resolutions are stupid. I'm not going to vow to become a better person. I'm not going to make it my ye…
Just kidding. New Year's resolutions are stupid. I'm not going to vow to become a better person. I'm not going to make it my ye…
Well, hello there my fellow filmmaker. I see you're curious about finding a different kind of online film distribution website to …
Today on Twitter, you may have noticed Kim Jong Un, North Korea, and #whyaustin (which is referring to Austin, Texas supposedly ma…
Good afternoon Film Annex-ers. I've got my 7/11 coffee (hey 7/11 you should sponsor me) and fresh donutson one side of me, and my…
Veronica Mars has some seriously devoted fans. Launched a week ago, a Kickstar fundraiser started by creator and executive produce…
Is it just me, or is Google coming out with a whole lot of new products? And not like in terms of, Sony is coming out with the Pla…
These past couple of years, ever since they started charging for all access to their content and became obessed with Glee, I've be…
Image Source: This week DC Comics rubbed fans the wrong way by hiring a well-known anti-gay writer named Orson Scott Car…
Stop what you are doing. Answer yourself these 4 questions. Do you like your job? Could you love your job? Is this where you want…
Image Source: Gothamist "Get in your late night terror sessions before bed." "Please enjoy our fabrications, misquotes, and opini…