Address Swaping Module For Ethernet
RX Client FIFO The rx_client_fifo is built around a dual portblock RAM Providing a total memory capacity of 4096bytes of fra…
RX Client FIFO The rx_client_fifo is built around a dual portblock RAM Providing a total memory capacity of 4096bytes of fra…
Objectives:To control the position of Servo Motor using variable PWM generated through AVR Introduction:Servo refers to an error …
Objectives: To program and use the TWI feature of AVR To transmit a character from Master and receive at Slave ATmega16 micr…
Objectives: To program and use the PWM feature of ATmega16 To generate a square wave of 20% duty cycle using PWM feature of …
Objectives: To program and use the ADC feature of ATmega16 Show the lower byte of ADC digital value on Port D and higher byt…
Objectives: To interface the LCD and program AVR to show the characters on 2 x 16 LCDIntroduction:This lab demonstrated that an…
Objectives: To interface the serial port of PC with USART of AVR To learn that how to program the USART (Universal Synchrono…
MCUCR(MCU Control Register) MCUCSR(MCU Control and Status Regiter) GIFR (General Interrupt Flag Register) has external interrupt…
Objectives: To learn the difference between polling and interrupt based programming To use the timer interrupt To use ex…
Objectives: To understand the modes and functionality of timers of ATmega16 To program Timer0 to generate a square waves …