The Karnuagh Map
Karnaugh mapis a systematic method for simplifying Boolean expression, where SOP and POS ( sum of product n product of sum). The e…
Karnaugh mapis a systematic method for simplifying Boolean expression, where SOP and POS ( sum of product n product of sum). The e…
The air (fluid) moving of the top of the wing encounters an plane wing that it must go around and therefore its speed increases an…
Following are the main Geological Structural Details to be collected for the Tunnelling Works: 1) Details of the nature of the Roc…
Important Aspects of Engineering Geology concerned with Tunnelling: Classification of Rock Formation is needed for the design of …
TUNNELLING: It is a highly specialized subject and trade of Civil Engineering and Mining Engineering. Engineering Geology plays a…
If Ns is greater than Np, the transformer is called step-Up transformer. If Ns is less than Np, the transformer is called step-dow…
Important Geological Information related to the Bridges: Complete and detailed geological investigation is required if the piers…
Now the Friction Piles and Bearing Piles are extensively used for piers foundations Pile:A cylindrical or tapering usually vertic…
Detailed geological information needed of the Hilly Areas: Detailed geological information is required of the ground where the cut…
California Bearing Ratio (CBR):It is a load penetration test for the evaluation of Mechanical Strength of Subgrades and Base-cours…