Giving Disabled Afghan Children a Voice and Expanding Educational Opportunities in Afghanistan

As you might imagine, events will continue to become quite dramatic as US troops wind-down their mission in Afghanistan. I spoke w…
As you might imagine, events will continue to become quite dramatic as US troops wind-down their mission in Afghanistan. I spoke w…
Yesterday I gave a presentation on Operation Exceptional Child (OpEx Child) to yet another Rotary group. Since creating OpEx Child…
Ahmads story, unfortunately, repeats itself over and over again in Afghanistan. I have always been a HUGE supporter of our mission…
People ask me, "So why are trying to help disabled kids and in Afghanistan of all places?" Here is what I tell them: In addition t…
I am producing a documentary to raise awareness about children with special needs in Afghanistan. And to fund the documentary, I a…
The more I see the more I am convinced that the best environment within which to educate children with disabilities is a combinati…
If you read my online interview posted recently on Film Annex, you know my most difficult challenge in trying to provide disabled …
Policy recommendations for educating children with disabilities in Afghanistan that would be implemented in every PATHS laboratory…
Disability and the limitations of Afghan society Disabled children in Afghanistan, ravaged by war and disease, suffer immensely an…
Project: Operation Exceptional Child Laboratory School: Kabul, Afghanistan Education is a social process; education is growth; ed…