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Who cares?

Tirso Inson Bangod

If I make a fool of myself, who cares? I'm not frightened by anyone's perception of me. - AJ…

by TRB

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I don't believe in guilt

Tirso Inson Bangod

I don't believe in guilt; I believe in living on impulse as long as you never intentionally hurt another person. And don't judge p…

by TRB

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The world is big

Tirso Inson Bangod

If you don't get out of the box you've been raised in, you won't understand how much bigger the world is. - AJ…

by TRB

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move on

Tirso Inson Bangod

It's hard to be clear about who you are when you are carrying around a bunch of baggage from the past. I've learned to let go and …

by TRB

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The most wonderful thing

Tirso Inson Bangod

Like every parent, when you start your family, your life completely changes. And you completely live for someone else. I find that…

by TRB

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Way of life

Tirso Inson Bangod

Without pain, there would be no suffering, without suffering we would never learn from our mistakes. To make it right, pain and su…

by TRB

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