Cautious and Analytical by Matthew Gudwin

The previous episodeSocial Injustice As a result of our characters first business opportunity, another life lesson was learned…
The previous episodeSocial Injustice As a result of our characters first business opportunity, another life lesson was learned…
With the growing popularity of social media and digital literacy comesbitLanders,a social media platform that pays its users with …
The previous episodeSibling Sorrow. Our characters father retuned to Egypt in October of 1946 and began running the show as if …
The previous episodeFlying Solo During the Second World War their bank in the Middle East had thrived. Without our characters f…
The previous episodeConquering Adversity Our character fared much better at Wesleyan University than the Wharton School of busi…
The previous episodeversatility An interesting thing happened to our characters father around tax time. He always had a unique …
The previous episodeIntegrity Knowing little English our characters father hired a man to help run American Nile. Joseph Sassoo…
The previous episodeFrom Egypt to America This episode is about starting up a business, having integrity and the honesty needed …
The previous episodeLessons of Incivility Our characters father was a man on a mission while buying shares on the London Stock …
The previous episodeAn Act of Kindness By 1936 our character enters boarding school with his brother in Cairo at the age of elev…