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Bubblews Paid Me!

James Figues

It's been history, I mean last year since I received my last payment with the before-wonderful earning site named Bubblews. I bet …

by _semaj_

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Memory vs Imagination

James Figues

What we think greatly affects on the outcome of the life that we are currently living. We can compare our life to a computer. Our …

by _semaj_

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Arcanys is Hiring!

James Figues

Open Positions of Arcanys Networks Srl as of March 2015. Click on the link to know the qualifications. Please share to your friend…

by _semaj_

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Excuse or Execute

James Figues

Do you want to know if you will succeed in life? Simple ask this question: Will you excuse of will you execute? I know everyone wa…

by _semaj_

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Success Patterns

James Figues

For sure everyone will agree with me that it is very easy to change attitude towards success for once in a while. But this is not …

by _semaj_

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How or Why

James Figues

Sometimes there are some aspects or specific areas in our life that we really want to change but we failed to do so. Perhaps you w…

by _semaj_

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