What is Vulturee ?
Vultureis the name given to two groups ofconvergently evolved, usuallyscavengingbirds of prey: theNew World vultures, including th…
Vultureis the name given to two groups ofconvergently evolved, usuallyscavengingbirds of prey: theNew World vultures, including th…
Rabbitsare smallmammalsin thefamilyLeporidaeof the orderLagomorpha, found in several parts of the world. There are eight different…
Eagleis a common name for many largebirds of preyof the familyAccipitridae; it belongs to several groups ofgenerathat are not nece…
Frogsare a diverse and largelycarnivorousgroup of short-bodied, taillessamphibianscomposing theorderAnura(Ancient Greekan-,without…
JavaScript(/ˈdʒɑːvɑːˌskrɪpt/;JS), also known asECMAScript(the untrademarked name used for the standard), is adynamic progr…
HyperText Markup Language, commonly referred to asHTML, is the standardmarkup languageused to createweb pages.[1]It is written in …
A server-sidedynamic web pageis aweb pagewhose construction is controlled by anapplication serverprocessing server-side scripts. I…
Astatic web page(sometimes called aflat page/stationary page) is aweb pagethat is delivered to the user exactly as stored, in cont…
Astaris a luminous sphere ofplasmaheld together by its owngravity. The nearest star toEarthis theSun. Other stars, mostly in theMi…
TheMoon(Latin:Luna) isEarth's onlynatural satellite.[e][f][8]Although notthe largest natural satellite intheSolar System, among th…