Human Tissues For Research

CrestarBio is a hub for providing high quality biomaterials such as fresh frozen human tissues, FFPE Tissue Blocks, whole blood fr…
CrestarBio is a hub for providing high quality biomaterials such as fresh frozen human tissues, FFPE Tissue Blocks, whole blood fr…
Billions of dollars are spent globally on discovering new drugs and therapies, 90% of the drugs fail in clinical trials for variou…
Let me make a very strong statement here : Our mission Takmeel e Pakistan is the most sacred ideological mission for the revival o…
If you claim to be a Shia or Sunni and serve Riba based Kufr system, serve anglo-saxon laws of Kufr, serve Democracy and spread fi…
Imam had realized that he has to make the ultimate sacrifice to trigger a massive awakening within the Ummah against the Zulm of t…
Also, understand that when Sayyadi Imam Hussian started his journey towards Karbala, he knew exactly well that he is going towards…
Know this ultimate reality clearly -- Imam Hussain and Imam Hasan are Syeds of the youth of Jannah, loved by Sayyadi Rasul Allah (…
Bitcoin Cycler Launches on Nov 4. Earn Cash and Bitcoins. One time deposit of $250 earns you the following each time you cycle in …
A Real Bhutto and Pakistan KhanBy Zeeshan AbroMonday, 27 October 2014 "A genetically born Zardari turned Bhutto cannot uphold the …
For everyone who hate their boss!! One day a man was waking along the beach when he tripped over a lamp. He turned around and kick…