Goodbye to CDs
In the old days, the only way to get your favorite pop song was to walk into a music store and buy a CD. But nothing stays the sam…
In the old days, the only way to get your favorite pop song was to walk into a music store and buy a CD. But nothing stays the sam…
Lee Min Ho (born in 1987) Lee Min Ho is an actor, Korean, renowned for appearing in various TV shows, movies, advertisementand as…
Hace unos das tuvimos el ensayo de la ceremonia de las luces, esta ceremonia solo se hace para los alumnos de sexto semestre, quie…
Lee Min Ho (nacido en 1987) Lee Min Hoes unactor,surcoreano, reconocido por aparecer en diferentesseries de televisin,pelculas,an…
At school Mano Amiga was held day celebration dad in June, where they lived with their children during the day, various activities…
En el colegio Mano Amiga se llev a cabo la celebracin del da del pap en el mes de junio, en donde convivieron con sus hijos durant…
On May 10, Mexico celebrates all mothers, but as we know moms always have their day, not only due to celebrate mom one day if not …
On May 10, Mexico celebrates all mothers, but as we know moms always have their day, not only due to celebrate mom one day if not …
El 10 de mayo Mxico celebra a todas las mamas, pero como bien sabemos las mamas siempre tienen su das, no solo se debe de celebrar…
En la actualidad vivimos en una sociedad que va avanzando con el paso del tiempo, como en la tecnologa, en la zona industrial, el …