pt retir´´es are rose 1,1%last year by pedro passos coelho government
nobody recived it , they were ros this year with retroatifs noibodynrecived til now!…
nobody recived it , they were ros this year with retroatifs noibodynrecived til now!…
for using atm card…
PT, polska Colmbia turists also go there in PT!continente is pt, br, es, angola, Colmbia !40 hrs work they gett 600 bucks mointhly…
turists also go to pingo doce continente(that are in fb)…
in germany(~1 european and 4the econmy worldwide)cotst you 300 bucks and in PT costs you 655 bucks;na assault in PT!nobody in PT w…
slovenian criator…
selectionated in cannnes AMONG OTHER 10…
shortmovie selectionated in cANNES…
tango composer…
from a Springfield museum…