50 cents its american raper
well knowned in angola where he goes often and well knowned form portuguese youth…
well knowned in angola where he goes often and well knowned form portuguese youth…
gallipoli, turkey, 30 000 died almost australians and they comemorate it with 1 puta bebedeira…
it was built a replica of the cave with the pre-historicas paintings and soon will be open to public…
and the bigest european with hq in london and in uk employs 47 000 staff…
sponcer by santander the topest spanish bank adn in portugal nobody knows it…
for 45 billion $…
bought for 6 bilions and now its profitable selling electric cars in amrica and china…
for 5 bilions, owns wharehouses and other industrial real estate…
600 actividads em madrid por biblioteca nacional despaa…
he and letcia gott to doughters:sofia leonor…