elain sanceau british historian that lived in porto since 30 were she died in 78
wrote about portuguese history that alll portuguese libraries gott and all kids in my time read it and wrote all in english transl…
wrote about portuguese history that alll portuguese libraries gott and all kids in my time read it and wrote all in english transl…
all portuguese kids gott theyre music and contineus to be tu like all portuguese bands they sing in our language and also in portu…
born in 23, american jazz sax tenor…
died in 77, soings that everybody knew damn well in portuguese, english and castellano and was always tu in portuguese, everybody …
all portuguese lbrartiesgott its works, not long ago when there were bookhsops they all seld it, from guard, beira alta, we writes…
grew from fisheries and this is still big business today, theres a big comunity from portuguese origin and turism is also big busi…
polinisiand stll exist and at the time madeirenses migrated there to work at the sugar cane and introduced cavaquinho now knowned …
talked by the indians and from so paulo they shaped brazil frontiers 400-300 years ago and they found gold and diamonds and in xvi…
and soon indians became great cowboys! in xvii century to rio grande do sul, in brazil, wented 1000 000 aorianos, there were batle…
songs that also in portugal everybody knew damn well, the movie about her with marrion coutillard was oscar…