eduard manet 1 of the impressionism phaters dead in 1883 from gangrena
realist, painted spain, venice,in france at orsay museum(my friend at fb)…
realist, painted spain, venice,in france at orsay museum(my friend at fb)…
died in mid xix century , the translation from french to other languages was made by charles baudelaire and tu in english, french…
1 of the pahters of rocknroll from plane crash, songs that not long ago you could hear at portuguese radio…
pscnalise aplyed to species evolution, 10th grade filosofa…
all portuguese libraries gott theyre music,you can still hear them at portuguese radios, not long ago you wented to a teater and a…
everybody gott its music in vinil, bestseller, died in paris, burried at pre la chiase were lots of us took pictures , real excurs…
misses the cigar, he defended that porofits had to pay taxes, preview wwii,, faced adolf, talked about a european union,came to po…
always full to hear them when there were teaters in portugal and 1/ year ago they went 1 month on tour trough amrica singing in po…
we all in portugal gott its music since the time there were discoteques andf was always tu also in portuguese, bestseller…