papuas, new guiné
picture tooked 100 years ago when they were a german colony, headhunters and they still where it 30 years ago and karol woytila vi…
picture tooked 100 years ago when they were a german colony, headhunters and they still where it 30 years ago and karol woytila vi…
it was 7th grade, you beguned with the greeks in portuguese and was filosofia of 10th grade, hoplits, infantery, fought naked!gree…
in pictures, my friends at fb sending messages all the time, all alive in america, they took you the scalp and still warriors at a…
and you also read John Steinbeck for engish and all its work was saw by us portuguese at teaters and RTP always with legends and t…
bestseller in his life writting novels to defend causes,the realism, the xix century socialists ideas and we also in Portugal cont…
everybody in Portugal knew hime damn well and also cochisse, mangas colorado also great apaches chiefs that took lots of scalps an…
all alive in america, my friends at fb sending news everyday, they all took scalps, alive in the american army1 i like all world k…
seen from serra da boa viagem , took when it was also tu in portuguese al the time and Portugal was alwys full all the time with p…
7th grade history, portuguese, 10th grade filosofia:s sei q nada sei, co nhecete a ti mesmo! he was processed in court for pervert…