40 years after all portuguese youth still knows they´re music
hard rock, heavy mettal, all live…
hard rock, heavy mettal, all live…
from venice , barroc music and him is still listened till today all over the world…
its in the spanish press, bbc and cnn talked about it and we in portugal alos saw it wehn there wehre teaters and rtp and tu in en…
and everybody in portugal gott its works published in brazil of pure sex and was always tu in portuguese…
he was a medical teacher at porto mdico-cirrgica escola criada plos liberais at porto poltcnico, died in ovar where its still tu a…
born in south frica in 22, studied at cabo college and minesotta , died in cyprus in 2001 !and i studied it at ciblo preparatrio a…
that was a reporter at the xix century french press and writer!in spain theyre reedeting it and we in portugla gott all its works …
the will make 40 in 2 years, go directly to all portuguese tvs,songs that everybody knew damn well trough portuguese ps comiciuns …