caminho de ferro of moçâmedes in angola
fascist portuguese history:fontes pereira de melo, xix century, the raylway in portugal, angola mozambique !that still exist in t…
fascist portuguese history:fontes pereira de melo, xix century, the raylway in portugal, angola mozambique !that still exist in t…
in rssia was comunism and in portugal, from minho to timor, fascism and tu in russian and tu in portuguese al the time!nobel in 59…
that all in portugal gott, the punk rock that will make 40 in 2 years:rocknroll…
that atracted 200 000 turists a few years ago and stoped from beeng habitated 1300 years ago…
for fsica-qumica that in my time ended at 9th grade and nobody studied with mandatory exame and you studeied at 8th grade…
fernando(nando ) pereira bastos, my cousin , economist in belo horizonte that died a few years ago and his wife , ldia, brazilain …
due to voc , a bunch of drugaddicts starting at portuguese pc and now in ps, ppd and cds…
and bbc the most ancient tv $ radio statiuon transmits directly from rssia for 54 years and we in portugla not long ago could hear…
and 300 years ago there were painters in portugal that lived damn well from painting to inda and brazil…
teresa was a bastard of alfonse vi king of castilla, shes burried in braga with her man henrique de borgonha that was franc…