A typical web search engine functions on the following pattern: I. Web crawling II. Indexing III. Searching Search engines oper…
A typical web search engine functions on the following pattern: I. Web crawling II. Indexing III. Searching Search engines oper…
By the year 2000, search services, founded on the search engine called Inktomi, were being provided by Yahoo!. M/s. Yahoo! managed…
A number of search engines were developed and competed for acknowledgment soon afterwards. They involved AltaVista, Infoseek, Mage…
In the course of initial development of the web, there existed a whole lot of webservers run by Tim Berners-Lee and loaded on the …
A number of women around the world depend on the private sector to meet their economic needs. In case women were granted greater e…
By Empowerment we mean boosting the status of a person or community with regard to social, political, educational, gender, or econ…
In view of their booming economy the high officials across the world have stressed upon the need of digital literacy. Countries ha…
Digital literacy helps you communicate and keep pace with modern global developments. In the social media and network integration …
Educational institutions are constantly synchronizing their curricula with digital literacy to maintain pace with burgeoning techn…
Digital literacy underlines an array of skills which are interdependent as far as their subject matter is related by default. Data…