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ME and The mirror


baiklah star disini , foto ini pada saat aku SMA kelas II , habis latihan tae kwon-do ya iseng iseng aja maen disekolah ,sekolahku…

by dhelia

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make a difference


There are so many ways one can touch people's lives and make a difference,regardless of how big or small that difference might be.…

by dhelia

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Human & earth


Ever since humans were created and sent on earth,they fell under one of three types:There are those who knew their true purpose an…

by dhelia

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Bitcoin dan bitlanders


Bagi pemburu bitcoin seantero nusantara ada baiknya kalian mencoba Bitlanders, ternyata banyak keuntungan yang didapat, website in…

by dhelia

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my brother sister and i


ayoo foto foto bareng sangat jarang foto bersama, mungkin blog terpendek , cuma lagi malas bikin blog , yang ada saja ya, foto bar…

by dhelia

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Why do I write


Why do I write?Because it's rightTo give people some lightOn the happenings of the site Why do I write?Because it takes me to hei…

by dhelia

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you still my joy


I won't waste my lungs trying to speak it out to you..I passively reflect in most cases not to what has happened but to what i wro…

by dhelia

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take away my sorrow


You take away my sorrowUntil we reach tomorrowTo remove yet another arrowPierced deep in my heart You became my bestfriend, in a …

by dhelia

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