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National Cocoa Day


Today, December 13th, is National Cocoa Day. Cocoa, also known as cocoa powder, cacao and cocoa solids, are what remains from a co…

by egdcltd

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National Ambrosia Day


Today, December 12th, is National Ambrosia Day. Not the ancient Greek food (or drink) of the gods, this is something different. It…

by egdcltd

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The First Nobel Prizes


On December 10th 1901 the first Nobel Prizes were awarded. Alfred Nobel was a Swedish businessman, chemist, engineer and innovator…

by egdcltd

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National Pastry Day


Today, December 9th, is National Pastry Day. There are many, many different types of pastries available all over the world. The na…

by egdcltd

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