Your wonderful hands (2)

The skin of your hand is not like the skin on any other part of your body. It is specially tough and elastic. When you squeeze som…
The skin of your hand is not like the skin on any other part of your body. It is specially tough and elastic. When you squeeze som…
You owe your good life to your hands! They make it easier and better than the lives of all other it easier and better than the liv…
اگر سن شما به هجده نرسیده است : شاید به بزودی به مرحله یی برسید که باید از…
There is a traffic jam. A big crowd is collected. It is 4 P.M at this time offices are closed. Another tiresome day for clerks has…
Hafiz of Shiraz was born in Tehran about the year 1320 A.D and spent most of his life there. He was born in a poor family and spen…
Who is the greatest benefactor to mankind? The men of medicine are the greatest sponsor to humanity. The other branches of science…
Students play a big role the development of their country. They have to shoulder great responsibilities. They can develop the coun…
There is powerful document proving that smoking is injurious to a smokers health. In addition to throat cancer, scientists have no…
Among the speech disorders seen in children, delayed speech and stuttering are important. The human infant as birth is structurall…
The answer to above question is not easy. It answer depends on what we mean by happiness. If happiness means addition to human com…