
Rocky These were the earlier days of Sylvester Stallone. In his child hood he wanted to be an actor but due to body shape and his…
Rocky These were the earlier days of Sylvester Stallone. In his child hood he wanted to be an actor but due to body shape and his…
Rambo-V After giving three very successful movies that is Rambo-1, Rambo-2, and Rambo-3 the action hero Sylvester Stallone decide…
Rambo-III After two very successful movies Sylvester Stallone made another movie with a name Rambo-III. This was the movie in whi…
Rambo-2 After the super hit movie First Blood the diretctor George P. Cosmatos direct a II part of First Blood. The first Blood p…
First Blood The First Blood is the movie based on the novel of David Morrel. David Morrel wrote his novel First Blood in 1964. Aft…
PTV {Pakistan television} In 1964 former president of Islamic Republic of Pakistan Field Marshal Muhammad Ayub Khan cut the ribbo…
New developments in Pakistan If we see in the past of Islamic Republic of Pakistan then we can see many troubles like terrorism, …
Physics Physics is the branch of science, which can be defined as, that branch of science that deals with the study of properties…
Eid-ul-Fitar The Islam is the religion of the World. There are four basic pillars of Islam. That is KALMA , NIMAZ [Prayer] , ROZA…
The weather outside Today the weather outside is very pleasant, a cold wind blows everywhere in the hot month of July. The month …