Jessica Levy wrote:

HiI just wanted to write and say that I Ioved the film.I read without conscience by Robert HareI found this book after I ended a r…
HiI just wanted to write and say that I Ioved the film.I read without conscience by Robert HareI found this book after I ended a r…
Why should you validate your ticket in an empty streetcar, when you are alone, at night and nobody can see you? was one of the man…
"People trust each other less and less these days, and I see some danger of further fractionalisation here. Instead of watching th…
I have just finished watching your film. The very first statement cut to the core and I was in tears for the first time in years o…
I did a screening of Fishead on Saturday night....Shortly after the intent of your movie was clear I couldn't help but notice that…
Discovering an article which acknowledges, recognizes and explains psychopathy has been a life altering moment for me....and then …
Bless you for this riveting and powerful documentary. I have watched it twice and will be watching it again. I found fishead( ment…
Hi guys, I'm Italian living in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Lost my parents, just a brother who is sociopath: He tried to make my life impos…
great film. i showed it last night to several of my connected community activist friends. specific critiques were mixed but overal…
It is a great movie you have put together - congratulations. Several people and friends are already fired up about it and sharing …