Digital Literacy, Digital Currency and Bitcoin Gender Gap

On February 1st 2014, Film Annex started to reward its community of 300,000 registered users from 245 different countries, island …
On February 1st 2014, Film Annex started to reward its community of 300,000 registered users from 245 different countries, island …
Today, I had the pleasure to be a speaker at the BWG Strategy Bitcoin Conference, sharing thoughts with CEO's and representatives …
Tonight, I stepped to the Seaport with my wife and three kids to enjoy the view of NYC East River. Every time I see it, I think of…
As of February 1st, Film Annex introduced Bitcoin payments in place of the USD. The USD was established in 1782. Bitcoin is a Digi…
I was born in Florence, and have lived half of my life in New York City. I traveled the world, and enjoy personal interaction with…
Traditional currencies like the US Dollar, the Euro, or the Yen are obsolete for digital users. Those currencies were designed wel…
One of the most fascinating things about the USA and its economy is the MEASURING ALGORITHM of Credit History, Credit Score or Cre…
Let me look at the world from the perspective of a 12-year old girl in Afghanistan who could be given away, possibly against her w…
How would the world change if every person, especially women in developing countries, had one Bitcoin in their digital wallet? …
Every morning in every corner of the world, the sun rises, and for every creature, it's another day of opportunities. Some fail to…