Super Mr. Green
This is another chapter of super Mr. green... On day Mr. Super green left his house to see what was back, but this time he has a b…
This is another chapter of super Mr. green... On day Mr. Super green left his house to see what was back, but this time he has a b…
Este es un captulo ms de Sper Seor Verde.... Un da como cualquiera sper seor verde salia de su casa para ver que encontraba de nue…
The friendly cultures fair was very interesting for me. I think that its a good idea to learn more about what is arround us. I lik…
La feria de las culturas amigas fue muy interesante para mi. Pienso que es una buena idea para aprender ms acerca de lo que nos ro…
The green man is a superhero that fights against the pollution in the world, is a man who wears green, also wears a color green ma…
El seor verde es un sper hroe que ayuda a combatir la contaminacin en el mundo, es un hombre que viste de verde, tambin usa un ant…
Mano Amiga Chalco for me is like my second home because in this school day by day I learn new things, but besides education they a…
Mano Amiga de Chalco para mi es como mi segundo hogar ya que en el aprendo todos lo das muchas cosas nuevas, pero sobre todo lo qu…
Mexico is my country, for me Mexico is a big and beautiful place but we can also say that Mexico is the dirtiest and polluted coun…