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Olympic Games

Haider Ali

These games were started in very early days of 776 BC, in Greece in the honor of Zeus. These games include running, boxing, wrestl…

by haider-ali-7542

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Haider Ali

حضرت مالک بن دینارؒایک بہت بڑے عالم اور درویشبزرگ تھے۔انھوں نے ایک مکان…

by haider-ali-7542

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Haider Ali

حضرت لقمانؑ ایک بہت بڑے حکیم،دانا،عالم اور بزرگ تھے۔ ایک دن وہ بازار سے …

by haider-ali-7542

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Haider Ali

The Pakistan Movement is almost one century old. Since 1857 Muslims had fallen into extreme disgrace but they continued their effo…

by haider-ali-7542

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