Why Education is necessary?
"To seek knowledge is an obligation for every Muslim" Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said this 1400 years ago. Education is necessary for…
"To seek knowledge is an obligation for every Muslim" Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said this 1400 years ago. Education is necessary for…
The top 32 countries including the host gather around every 4 years to take part in the FIFA World Cup. Firstly, before world cup …
Surrounded by Margalla Hills , planned to look like Washington D.C , Brasilia and Canberra , Islamabad is standing 2000 ft taller …
Carrying the motto " A symbol of pride for the nation " , Flying high in the skies like shaheens are they, who are pilots of Pakis…
" The world's 6th biggest country in terms of population cannot even produce 11 professional football players who can compete in t…
The most lonely person is the one who isn't strong enough to face what he did. I am writing this article just to tell my readers t…
Sky Diving Skydiving basically is a jump with a parachute done for adventurous and military purposes.For adventurous purposes it i…