life of hazrat muhammad (pbuh) part 17
AL-HIJRAH The Breaking of All Connections with One's Home, for the Sake of Allah Alone. AFTER his companions had left for Yathri…
AL-HIJRAH The Breaking of All Connections with One's Home, for the Sake of Allah Alone. AFTER his companions had left for Yathri…
THE TREATY OF AQABAH IN Yathrib there were two main tribes, the Aws and the Khazraj. Both were very powerful, they were always at …
THE NIGHT JOURNEY AND THE ASCENT TO HEAVEN ONE night as the Prophet (pbuh) lay sleeping in the same spot where 'Abd al-Muttalib us…
THE YEAR OF SORROW THE Prophet (pbuh) and his followers went back to a normal way of life but the years of hardship had made Khad…
THE CRUELTY OF QURAYSH THE leaders of Quraysh became increasingly worried about the way the people of Mecca were being divided by…
THE KING WHO BELIEVED As the number of the Prophet's followers increased so the enemies of the Muslims grew more and more angry. …
THE TROUBLES BEGIN THREE years passed and one day the Archangel Gabriel came to the Prophet (pbuh) and ordered him to start preach…
THE FIRST MUSLIMS AFTER that momentous day in the month of Ramadan, Revelation came again and again to the Prophet (pbuh). He und…
THE COMING OF THE ARCHANGEL GABRIEL MUHAMMAD (pbuh) believed that there was only one Allah, Creator of the sun, the moon, the ear…
THE PROPHET'S MARRIAGE By the time Muhammad (pbuh) was twenty-five he was famous for his honesty. He was respected by everyone, ev…