Skin-to-skin Contact After Birth Benefits New Moms, Too!

Now, theres more reason to cuddle with your newborn after birth--and it's not just for baby. Early this year, theWorld Health Orga…
Now, theres more reason to cuddle with your newborn after birth--and it's not just for baby. Early this year, theWorld Health Orga…
For Filipino parents, their babys health and development is of primary importance. The following sensorial rituals can unlock the …
The first few weeks after giving birth are full of changes and adjustments both for a new mommy and her newborn. Although it is qu…
As we all know, it is impossible to prevent the passage of time, but caring for your body is importantto help you look and feelhea…
The combination ofpineapple and aloe verais used as anaturalremedy and gains more and more importance in the world of dieting. Mor…
Your kidneys are organs that are in charge of cleansing the blood of potentially harmful substances through urine and regulating b…
Computers, cell phones, plugs, microwaves, wifi, etc. All of the devices you use everyday and make your life easier also generatee…
Having clogged arteries can cause a heart attack. Thats why its so important to keep them clean and unclogged, for a better qualit…
Linseed has been known for years for its highly beneficial health properties and components.Different studies have shown that lins…
Fatty liver disease is a very common affliction in modern society. For quite some years now it has been considered themost common …