A healthy pizza...that isn't really a pizza! [Cheap][Quick]

Ingredients One Tortilla WrapHalf a can Tinned TomatoesTwo Slices of HamHalf a ball of MozzarellaTwo Pinches of OreganoSalad Leave…
Ingredients One Tortilla WrapHalf a can Tinned TomatoesTwo Slices of HamHalf a ball of MozzarellaTwo Pinches of OreganoSalad Leave…
Every picture of this man just turned out so cool and legendary…
Their (Germany) contribution, however, is marginal compared with the contribution of Russia in the current crisis in Syria. As wel…
For the record, there were whites on that day as well who were also attacked for standing with the black protesters in opposing se…
If it's true the old couple look amazing. That's 70 years. In the first picture they look early twenties or maybe late teens. In t…
I'm glad he's successful and all, but I wish he'd go back to doing a stand up special every now and then. His live at the Purple O…
There bodies consist of sweet fructose, I'm primary consisting of fat right about now. I have a fat body right now and I'm not acc…
I prefer the Canadian version of this. Every item is $2 at the check out because I only know one code and buy everything in bulk. …
I did some acid one time, sat on a bed talking to a chick I was with. The headboard had a mirror, and the whole time I was taking …