We Tried Bingsu at KBingsu Cafe, Greenhills

We Tried Bingsu at KBingsu Cafe, Greenhills... We just finished dining at Gloria Maris, but we youngsters in the bunch were still …
We Tried Bingsu at KBingsu Cafe, Greenhills... We just finished dining at Gloria Maris, but we youngsters in the bunch were still …
Mini-Reunion at Gloria Maris, Greenhills The Mini-Reunion Grandma passed away recently, and you know, it's one of those times when…
Birthday Treat at Buffet 101 So my Canadian aunt went back to the Philippines around September-October. Lucky for me, it was aroun…
Kingsglaive: FFXV, the King's Sword Square Enix, on Kingsglaive L-R: Drautos, Regis, Lunafreya, Nyx, Libertus, Crowe. Photo credi…
Final Fantasy VII and Advent Children Tetsuya Nomura Tetsuya Nomura directed this direct sequel of the game, Final Fantasy VII. Be…
Deep Inside I Go in The Spirits Within Photo credit: blu-ray.com Hironobu Sakaguchi Final Fantasy was Hironobu Sakaguchi's last-d…
I Watched The Worst Witch Because of Lyanna Mormont Have you watched Game of Thrones yet? While the penultimate season just ended,…
When Rick Sanchez Reminds Me of Grandpa Photo credit: skeleion via deviantart.com I didn't bother to watch Rick and Morty on Netf…
Hong Kong Oceanpark, My Remarks Photo credit: lapiz-lazuli Hong Kong's Ocean Park is quite massive! You'll either ride a 10-minut…
Things to See at Tsim Sha Tsui Photo credit: Google Maps Tsim Sha Tsui is in the southernmost part of the largest island in Hong K…