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M Faisal

Raj, a struggling singer saves a girl dressed up as a bride from a car wreck on the railway tracks. He takes her to the hospital a…

by m-faisal-7204

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M Faisal

Raj, a struggling singer saves a girl dressed up as a bride from a car wreck on the railway tracks. He takes her to the hospital a…

by m-faisal-7204

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M Faisal

Raj, a struggling singer saves a girl dressed up as a bride from a car wreck on the railway tracks. He takes her to the hospital a…

by m-faisal-7204

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M Faisal

Raj, a struggling singer saves a girl dressed up as a bride from a car wreck on the railway tracks. He takes her to the hospital a…

by m-faisal-7204

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M Faisal

A Karachi fisherman's tale In search of lobsters and livelihood BASIL ANDREWSUPDATEDNOV 16, 201512:46PM The sun had just rise…

by m-faisal-7204

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M Faisal

Going back to mummy guns, it was nice of Dr. D to educate us that rape jokes are man jokes. Okay, little experiment. Lets replace …

by m-faisal-7204

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M Faisal

These simple jokes desensitise us to the bigger issues that they lead to. Its about crossing lines finer to less fine to thicker …

by m-faisal-7204

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M Faisal

We all knowthe story of Table No. 5 the restaurant whose love for feeding people sandwiches brought Armageddon. Okay, well not Arm…

by m-faisal-7204

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M Faisal

As they say, no publicity is bad publicity unless it really is of the worst kind and puts one in league with apologists for rapis…

by m-faisal-7204

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