When we think of the feminist, we usually picture a rough and tough woman in the Western world with smart remarks, a loud voice, a…
When we think of the feminist, we usually picture a rough and tough woman in the Western world with smart remarks, a loud voice, a…
They say that man cannot understand the meaning of true pain unless hes gone through childbirth. Well, seeing as men will not be g…
We have heard and read many stories regarding the abuse of women in Afghanistan with unfortunate endings but thats not what Im her…
Women these days care a lot about appearance, health, and wellness in order to succumb to the pressures of society. And I dont bla…
One of the most stressful and awkward situations in a guys life is asking a girl out. Now it may not be the equivalent of getting …
As we reach our early twenties we start to feel a huge shift in our perception of the world and then it happens, BAM! Life hits yo…
Weve all heard the ever puzzling question from the minds of doctors, psychologists, movie stars and practically all of mankind ask…
Even though more andmore women in the business world are rising to positions of power, but harsh gender stereotypes remain, some t…
Have you heard of Anna Wintour? No? Well, have you seen the popular romantic comedy, The Devil Wears Prada? Yes? Well Ill let you …
A recent trend that has turned a lot of heads over the past couple of months is that more women in the United States are using don…